Thursday, 1 August 2013

Other classes taught in Beccles

The two other classes taught in Hungate Hall Beccles on a Thursday besides Wing Chun
are Chun Yuen Quan (Northern Shaolin Fist)
and Wild Goose Qigong both good for health.

Here you see Eric practicing the Basic form called Xing Sau means style or shape of hand.

Chun Yuen Quan is good for your health and will make your body light and flexible. It will help the posture and make your joints strong. Internally it builds up strong circulation and Qi, so if you suffer damp conditions which Chinese medicine call which the west refers to as Arthritus this will help to disperse through regular practice.
'I think people think they have to be young or fit to try Chun Yuen Quan but all people's of any age and level of fitness are welcome. You can take it easier, making the stances higher and doing the movements slower and still benefit from the form'.

June is practicing through Leval 3 of the Healthy Living Gong series. Balancing Gong and Healthy Living Gong Level 1,2 & 3 were created by Master Michael Tse of the Tse Qigong Centre out of his 40 years of Qigong and Martial Art experience.
 June is practicing the move called Dragon Tunnelling under the Sea which is good for legs, shoulders and coordination.
Wild Goose Qigong is suitable for all level of fitness and beginners welcome.

If you wish to find out further about Balancing Gong and Healthy Living Gong Series they are produced on DVD via the

For classes in Chun Yuen Quan, Wild Goose Qigong and Wing Chun
Every Thursday 6.30- 9pm
The Garden Room, Hungate Hall, Beccles NR34 9TT

Contact:Sifu Natasha Etheridge 
(Authorised Instructor of the Tse Qigong Centre)    

01502 711127 / 07961 033357